Become Your Own Wellness Coach
Become Your Own Wellness Coach

7 Dimensions of Wellness


Welcome to Become Your Own Wellness Coach, a site dedicated to those wanting to take control of their lives and their well-being using a proven set of tools developed by professionals in the field of Wellness.

Assessment Instructions FAQs

Before you take the assessment, you may want to review the following FAQs

What does this assessment do?

The 7 Dimensions of Wellness Assessment/Quiz is the first step in making Wellness changes.

This requires being aware.

The assessment provides a holistic measure of perception of the seven dimensions of wellness. The assessment requires being honest and authentic. You must "walk the talk" by being an active participant currently.

The assessment is based upon what the brain believes/perceives and drives the "action" one takes by producing different physiological responses resulting in feelings from optimism to fear.

The individual Quiz Results Section outlines basic wellness concepts. Examples are given to demonstrate how wellness is a dynamic process and how each dimension is interrelated with the others.

What does the assessment cover?

The assessment covers the 7 dimensions of wellness: Social, Physical, Emotional, Career, Intellectual, Environmental and Spritual.

How long does the assessment take?

The free 7 Dimensions of Wellness Assessment takes from 20 to 30 minutes. The professional assessments can take up to 45 minutes, depending on which optional compnents have been selected.

What kind of results do I receive?

Everyone receives an individual report to view or print immediately after taking the quiz.

Professional subscribers receive additional reports: Percentile and Well-being, Individual with Group Average, Individual Scores with Group Percentiles, Individual Scores with Global Percentiles, Time Tracking.

How do I use my assessment results?

We have done the research for you and provide you with the following simple steps toward taking action.

  1. Awareness and Knowledge.
  2. Questioning self worth and/or self efficacy.
  3. Shifting Perceptions in a positive direction and Improving Competencies.
  4. Taking Actions.

How many have taken the assessment?

We have had 6271 participants complete our on-line quiz and receive a results summary.

If you have an 'Access Code', then...

If you do not have an 'Access Code' and would you like to learn more about wellness, then...

If you would like to explore or purchase advanced plans for individuals, employers, teachers, coaches, etc, then ...

All material © Copyright 2017 and trademarked ® by Abbott Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved.

7 Dimensions Defined

The 7-Dimensional Wellness model includes the dimensions of Social, Physical, Emotional, Career, Intellectual, Environmental and Spiritual Wellness.


Social wellness is the process of creating and maintaining healthy relationships. The Social dimension of wellness encourages contributing to your human and physical environment for the common welfare of your community. It emphasizes interdependence and cooperation with others. Social wellness acknowledges that I am part of a family, community, group or circle, not the center of it. Social wellness includes the pursuit of harmony within your relationships and family that cultivated positive communication that is direct, honest and resolves conflicts.


Physical wellness is not only the process of having a flexible, aerobically fit body. The physical dimension encourages regular physical activity that produces cardiovascular endurance, flexibility and strength to pursue everyday life and leisure activities. The physical dimension encourages knowledge and behavior consistent with good nutrition and discourages the use of tobacco, drugs and excessive alcohol consumption. It includes activities that contribute health and wellness including seat belt use, getting 7-8 hours of sleep per night, managing disease, implementing medical self-care and appropriate use of the medical system.


Emotional wellness is the process of creating and maintaining a positive realistic self concept and enthusiasm about life. The emotional dimension wellness emphasizes an awareness of feelings and acceptance of the fact that you create your own feelings. Emotional wellness includes the degree to which you feel positive and enthusiastic about yourself and life. It includes the capacity to talk about feelings of fear, hurt, anger, sadness and joy, and to manage related behaviors. This includes being able to realistically asses your limitations, develop autonomy and to cope effectively with stress and ego.


Career wellness is the process of making and maintaining choices that are meaningful and that contribute to your own personal growth, as well as to the growth of your employer and your community. The career dimension, occupation or personal work, includes preparing and continuing to prepare for work you enjoy. It includes helping to create a healthy organization that contributes to your own and other's well-being. Occupational wellness is related being responsible to your work and the ability to balance work with the rest of your life.


Intellectual wellness is the process of using your mind to create a greater understanding of yourself and the universe. The intellectual dimension encourages creative, stimulating mental activities. An intellectually well person uses the resources available to expand knowledge, improve skills and increase the potential for sharing with and contributing to others. Intellectually well people use intellectual and cultural activities to question themselves, to re-examine judgments and questions authority.


Environmental wellness is the process of making choices to create sustainable human and ecological communities, improving qualities in air, water, land and space. The environmental dimension recognizes that we are accountable for the quality of air we breathe, nourishment we seek, water to quench our thirst and the space to grow. The environmentally well person takes personal and social responsibility for creating sustainable communities that include all of earth's creatures, encourages minimizing use of disposable products, evaluates purchases and conveniences base upon environmental impact.


Spiritual wellness is the process of 'experiencing life' while seeking meaning and purpose in human existence. Spirituality allows one to have consistency between values and behaviors. It includes the development of a deep appreciation for the depth and expanse of life, death and understanding of universal consciousness, (i.e. the 'master stories' or 'archetypes' that represent a commonality or biological imprints derived from the experience of the different races and are present in the unconscious of all individuals). Spiritual people are strongly aware of a wellspring of inner power and development of soul and that there are many paths to take in 'experiencing life' and that every spiritual tradition recognizes and teaches the basic precepts or laws of wise and conscious human conduct, (J. Campbell, The Power of Myth). Spirituality allows one to have consistency between values and behaviors because of the depth of understanding and precepts that re integrated into our 'spiritual Practice' within everyday life of work, family and relationships, (J. Kornfield, A Path with Heart). Generic principles of spiritual wellness include the acceptance of the concept of 'wholeness', i.e. connection with everything in creation. Spiritual wellness includes three working principles: acceptance of: (1) individual uniqueness, (2) diversity and (3) the need for community or bonding (Miriam Therese MacGillis, O.P. Genesis Farm).


All material © Copyright 2017 and trademarked ® by Abbott Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved.

Be Your own Wellness Coach

What does this mean?

Becoming your own wellness coach is a concept developed for those who want to review the basics in personal wellness and take the next step toward transformation.

How can I achieve this?

You can become your own wellness coach by having a desire to be a responsible, self-directed and proactive individual.

This is a personal tranformation that occurs over time and involves the following:

  • Self-examination
  • Individual learning
  • Paying attention
  • Responding to and being aware of your responses
  • Accepting accountability for your choices
  • Seeking inner strength and external resources
  • Sharing responsibility for community and compliance to "human values"
Relevance for Wellness Professionals

Employers, Teachers, Wellness Professionals, Trainers and Health Coaches will find that offers complementary options to assist clients in taking the next steps for well being that of transformation and insights into connection, consciousness and universal human values, a place in which one finds consistency in "head, heart and hands".


All material © Copyright 2017 and trademarked ® by Abbott Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved.

7 Dimensions of Wellness Assessments

Relevance for Wellness Professionals

Employers, Teachers, Wellness Professionals, Trainers and Health Coaches will find that the 7 Dimensions of Wellness Assessments offer complementary options to assist clients in taking the next steps for well being and that of transformation and insights into connection, consciousness and universal human values, a place in which one finds consistency in "head, heart and hands".

What does this assessment do?

The 7 Dimensions of Wellness Assessment/Quiz is the first step in making Wellness changes.

This requires being aware.

The assessment provides a holistic measure of perception of the seven dimensions of wellness. The assessment requires being honest and authentic. You must "walk the talk" by being an active participant currently.

The assessment is based upon what the brain believes/perceives and drives the "action" one takes by producing different physiological responses resulting in feelings from optimism to fear.

The individual Quiz Results Section outlines basic wellness concepts. Examples are given to demonstrate how wellness is a dynamic process and how each dimension is interrelated with the others.

What does the assessment cover?

The assessment covers the 7 dimensions of wellness: Social, Physical, Emotional, Career, Intellectual, Environmental and Spiritual.

What kind of results and reports are available?

Everyone receives an individual report to view or print immediately after taking the quiz.

Professional subscribers receive additional reports: Percentile and Well-being, Individual with Group Average, Individual Scores with Group Percentiles, Individual Scores with Global Percentiles, Time Tracking, etc.

What assessment options are available?

Group Accounts for Employers, Teachers, Wellness Professionals, Trainers, Health Coaches. Wellness professionals, trainers and health coaches will find that offers complementary options to assist clients in taking the next steps for well being and that of transformation and insights into connection, consciousness and universal human values, a place in which one finds consistency in "head, heart and hands".

Standard Professional Group Account
Close Group Scores in each Dimension
Group Scores in each Dimension of Wellness Group vs Group Scores
Group vs Group Comparison Group vs All Scores
Group Result vs All Results Work Category Breakdown
Work Categories Individual vs Group
Individual vs Group Scores Individual Percentile Scores vs Group
Individual Percentile Scores vs Group Scores Individual Percentile Scores vs All
Individual Percentile Scores vs All

Standard Group Account


  1. Ability to create assessment groups and administer assessments to your own groups
  2. Group Aggregate Reports
  3. Group Comparison Reports
  4. Demographic Breakdown Reports
  5. Advanced Ad Hoc Reporting
Pricing and Ordering

Close Group Scores in each Dimension
Group Scores in each Dimension Group vs Group Scores
Group vs Group Comparions Chart Group vs All Scores
Group Results vs All who have taken Assessment Work Category Breakdown
Work Categories Individual vs Group
Individual vs Group Scores Individual Percentile Scores vs Group
Individual Percentile Scores vs Group Scores Individual Percentile Scores vs All
Individual Percentile Scores vs All Time Tracking Report (Line Graph) Time Tracking Report (Line Graph)
Time Tracking Report (Bar Graph)

Advanced Group Account
Advanced Professional Group Account


  1. Ability to create and administer assessments to your own groups
  2. Ability to create time tracking groups
  3. Group Aggregate Reports
  4. Group Comparison Reports
  5. Demographic Breakdown Reports
  6. Time Tracking Reports available for individuals
  7. Advanced Ad Hoc Reporting
Pricing and Ordering

Contact Us

If you have any questions about assessment plans or pricing, please feel free to contact us for a free consultation.

R Anne Abbott (

Walter Wright (

Take the Quiz! Menu

All material © Copyright 2017 and trademarked ® by Abbott Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved.

Wellness Quiz FAQs

Before you take the assessment, you may want to review the following FAQs

What does this assessment do?

The 7 Dimensions of Wellness Assessment/Quiz is the first step in making Wellness changes.

This requires being aware.

The assessment provides a holistic measure of perception of the seven dimensions of wellness. The assessment requires being honest and authentic. You must "walk the talk" by being an active participant currently.

The assessment is based upon what the brain believes/perceives and drives the "action" one takes by producing different physiological responses resulting in feelings from optimism to fear.

The individual Quiz Results Section outlines basic wellness concepts. Examples are given to demonstrate how wellness is a dynamic process and how each dimension is interrelated with the others.

What does the assessment cover?

The assessment covers the 7 dimensions of wellness: Social, Physical, Emotional, Career, Intellectual, Environmental and Spritual.

How long does the assessment take?

The free 7 Dimensions of Wellness Assessment takes from 20 to 30 minutes. The professional assessments can take up to 45 minutes, depending on which optional compnents have been selected.

What kind of results do I receive?

Everyone receives an individual report to view or print immediately after taking the quiz.

Professional subscribers receive additional reports: Percentile and Well-being, Individual with Group Average, Individual Scores with Group Percentiles, Individual Scores with Global Percentiles, Time Tracking.

How do I use my assessment results?

We have done the research for you and provide you with the following simple steps toward taking action.

  1. Awareness and Knowledge.
  2. Questioning self worth and/or self efficacy.
  3. Shifting Perceptions in a positive direction and Improving Competencies.
  4. Taking Actions.

How many have taken the assessment?

We have had 6271 participants complete our on-line quiz and receive a results summary.

What other assessment options are available?

Advanced Individual and Professional Assessment Plans

Menu Take the Quiz!

All material © Copyright 2017 and trademarked ® by Abbott Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved.

7 Dimensions of Wellness Resources

Career Wellness